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3 Reasons to Invest in a Residential Safe

7016520684 • September 24, 2023

Whether you're renting or owning your residence, you undoubtedly have valuables that you live with. They could include personal documents like your passport, for example. Investing in a residential safe can heavily increase the security of you and your home. It could be as simple as keeping your passport in a depository safe, ensuring you never misplace it, or as life-altering as keeping guns safely away from children, as per certain state laws. Read on for some of the most important reasons experts suggest investing in a safe.

1. Protect Your Belongings

In our experts' experience, this is the most common use of a safe. Everyone has items they're looking to protect from burglary, fire, or from their own forgetfulness. By choosing an AM safe or a wall safe, you'll always know exactly where these items are. In times of emergency, such as during a house fire or after a burglary, it'll be one less thing to stress about. You'll always know that your social security card, passports, expensive jewelry, or other items are locked safely in your depository safe.

2. Safeguard Any Guns

Depending on the state you live in, gun laws can vary on how you're told to lock them away. However, according to Clearvue Health, locking your guns up decreases the odds of a child hurting others or themselves by 78%. If you have children, investing in a gun safe greatly reduces the chance of harm. In addition, in the event of a burglary, you won't need to worry about anyone having access to your guns that shouldn't.

3. Create a Vault

Residential safes can be as small or as large as any homeowner could reasonably need. Some advanced locksmiths have the ability to transform an entire room into a safe. With high-security door frames, your bedroom could be your safe haven in the event of a burglary. It's nothing anyone wants to think about but the best way to remain safe in any emergency is by being prepared. It's a good idea to keep valuables in that vault along with emergency supplies. That way, you can safely call and wait for emergency services.

At their best, investing in home security can save your life. Here at Wrangler Safe & Lock, our team of professionals has helped homeowners increase their home security for years. Whether it be installing a depository safe or turning your guest bedroom into a vault, give us a call today to schedule your consultation!

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